
Significado de quote


Citação, lembrar, cota, citar, aspas, mencionar, nota.

v. t.

To cite, as a passage from some author; to name, repeat, or adduce, as a passage from an author or speaker, by way of authority or illustration; as, to quote a passage from Homer.
To cite a passage from; to name as the authority for a statement or an opinion; as, to quote Shakespeare.
To name the current price of.
To notice; to observe; to examine.
To set down, as in writing.
A note upon an author


quotation mark, inverted comma, punctuation generic term, punctuation mark generic term noun, quotation, citation, excerpt generic term, excerption generic term, extract generic term, selection generic term verb, cite, repeat generic term, reiterate generic term, ingeminate generic term, iterate generic term, restate generic term, retell generic term verb, give generic term verb, cite, mention generic term, advert generic term, bring up generic term, cite generic term, name generic term, refer generic term verb, punctuate generic term, mark generic term

Vogais: uoe

Consoantes: qt

Palavras Parecidas

quoted, quite, quoit, quota, quoth, quotiety, quotha, quat, quet, quieted.